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Trap Line and Safety Rules


  • Safety glasses and hearing protection are required for any person on or near the trap lines, including spectators.  Safety glasses and hearing protection are available in the club house. 

  • Do not sign up for more than one event a time

  • Be ready to shoot when your squad is called to the line.  Have your glasses on, ear plugs in, the correct choke(s) in your gun, etc.

  • Do not raise your gun, wave your gun, or move around until the shooter ahead of you has fired.

  • Remain on your post, standing facing the trap quietly, until the fifth person has fired their fifth shot. Then, move to the next station. Don't leave the line until the last shot is fired.

  • If you are lead off, do not fire until you have checked and ensured that all members of the squad are on their post and ready.

  • When going from post 5 to post 1, always turn to the right to avoid pointing your gun at other shooters. Walk behind the shooters to post 1.

  • If a delay occurs on the line, remove all shells from your gun and load again once the delay is over.

  • Don't distract other shooters on the line by unnecessary talking or movement. 

  • Pick up your fired shells AFTER the round is complete, before leaving the field.

  • Always be courteous to other shooters.

  • If you are shooting a semi-automatic or pump, be sure that your ejected shells don’t hit other shooters or their guns.

  • Try to maintain the rhythm of the squad when it is your turn to fire.

  • Do not distract the other shooters with unnecessary talk or antics on the firing line.

  • Shooters are usually happy to let you have a look at their gun, BUT ask permission first.

  • If you bring your dog, be sure that it doesn’t disturb the other shooters. Dogs are not allowed in the clubhouse and owners should pick up their droppings around the clubhouse and shooting stands.

  • Above all else, HAVE FUN!

© 2023 All Rights Reserved by Port Angeles Gun Club 

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